Online Articles

I’ve contributed to some really great articles over the years. Below are a few links to some of my favorites.

How To Help A Dad Bod

“Welcome to the Dad Bod era.

For those who don’t know, a “Dad Bod” describes a guy whose body isn’t fat or thin, but somewhere in-between. Physically he’s just like, you know, whatever…

Bryan Krahn

Smart Exercise Modifications For Finicky Shoulders

“The funny thing about shoulder pain is that its very cause – movement – is also the remedy.
After all, repetitive movements, bad posture and some exercises are leading contributors to tears, tendonitis and generally cranky shoulders…

K. Aleisha Fetters

What The Best Personal Trainers Know That You Don’t

“The first time I encountered a personal trainer, we almost got into a fight. Even though the gym’s weight room was nearly empty that afternoon, the trainer was hogging equipment and taking up way more space than he or his client needed. The last straw was when he stuck his butt in my face while spotting his client on the bench next to mine…

Lou Schuler

Lose Fat By Building Muscle

“When you’re trying to build muscle or strength, training is super important. important than diet even. Just eat even a moderate calorie surplus and make sure there’s enough protein in the mix and you’re on your way. After that, the quality and execution of the program drives the muscle building bus.
However, training for fat loss is different…

Bryan Krahn

9 Exercises To Ease Shoulder Pain

“Shoulder aches and weakness put a crimp in routine activities from playing sports and carrying toddlers to hauling groceries and swinging hammers. Below, experts in strength and body mechanics offer tips on shoulder exercises to help you live well, function better and ultimately become stronger and free of shoulder pain

Lisa Exposito & K. Aleisha Fetters

U.S. News & World Report

How To Maximize Your Workout When You Have No Time

“Consistent and regular workouts—totaling at least two-and-a-half hours of moderate-intensity exercise per week—comprise one of the pillars of good health. But sometimes, work obligations and family commitments can make scheduling time to hit the gym easier said than done. On days when an hour-long class or gym session isn’t possible…

Steve Calechman

How To Change A Workout On The Fly In A Crowded Gym

“Your brilliant program doesn’t stand a chance against the realities of a crowded gym. Here’s how you can change things up without compromising your client’s results…

Ethan Benda

Personal Trainer Development Center

The 8 Unspoken Rules Of Health Club Etiquette

“Recovered from COVID-15 yet? That’s how much weight everybody supposedly gained during the pandemic. (The real number is more like 12 or so pounds, but whatever, who’s counting?) It was the Dad Bod of 2021, the excuse…

Bill Stieg

The Arrow

How To Tell If Someone Is Using Steroids

“Ethan Benda is used to the suspicions. Given his age (41) and his condition (jacked), he understands why people who don’t know him well automatically assume steroid use. “I looked better at 40 than I did at 20, so a lot of guys assumed I was on something…

Lou Schuler

Men’s Health

The Best And Worst Training Scenes In Movie History

“In the Clint Eastwood movies I grew up watching, the hero didn’t train. It didn’t matter if he was playing a cop, a cowboy, or a soldier; whatever he was at the beginning, that’s what he was at the end, squinting over the body count he’d created…

Lou Schuler

Men’s Health

The Cure For Man Boobs

“Gynecomastia is incredibly embarrassing and shockingly common. But it’s treatable. Your flat-chest plan is here…

Lou Schuler

Men’s Health